Life of William Shakespeare 

 The life and times of William Shakespeare Chances are you have heard of William Shakespeare or at least his works. But who was William Shakespeare? Why is he so important? William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in a medieval market town in England’s West Midland known as Stratford-on-Avon Which is in the central part of the country 163km north west of London.

 For this reason, he was often known as the Bard of Stratford-on-Avon or simply the Bard of Avon   Shakespeare was an underdog.   No, not that underdog See, he didn’t quite fit the status quo deemed for most successful men in the Elizabethan Era. 

He was not born of noble birth, nor was his family very wealthy. In fact, growing up, his family constantly struggled with finances. His father, John, was a tradesman and glove maker and his mother, Mary Ardien, was the daughter of a wealthy farmer. He attended King’s New School, a local Grammar School, which would have focused on topics and subject areas such as Greek mythology, Roman comedy, ancient history, rhetoric grammar Latin, and possibly Greek He couldn’t afford to attend University And with no student loans or financial aid He ended up marrying Anne Hathaway in 1582, who was three months pregnant at the time.

 Not that Anne Hathaway This Anne Hathaway Together they had three children. Their eldest Susanna in 1583, and the twins Hamnet and Judith in 1585. Shakespeare did have experience acting, but was never cast a starring role From 1585 to 1592, he was a member and part-owner of a theatre company known as the Lord Chamberlain’s Men Later known as The King's Men Although Shakespeare’s main talent excelled in writing In fact, he wrote thirty-eight plays.

 From 1589 to 1613, his work consisted of mainly histories and comedies. And up until 1608, he wrote tragedies All of which were extremely popular, So popular that even Queen Elizabeth herself would attend his plays She was a real fan girl, folks Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets and five other poems including two narratives Despite all odds, William Shakespeare is acclaimed one of the greatest writers of all time. He died at age 52 on his birthday. 
Shakespeare's life

It’s been over over 400 years since Shakespeare wrote and distributed his work yet his work is still just as popular as it is read studied, and performed all over the globe. But why? How is it that his work is so widely read? What makes it so popular? How is it still relevant and not out of date? Well, Shakespeare’s works cover many timeless and universal themes that anyone can identify with. This also makes it easy to create adaptations.

 Much of the entertainment you see today would not exist without William Shakespeare because they are either inspired by or adapted from his work. Some you may have recognize. West Side Story And Warm Bodies are both based off of Romeo and Juliet. Songs such as Taylor Swift’s “Love Story” is also based off of Romeo and Juliet. While the Beatles’s “I am the Walrus” contains a dramatic reading of King Lear Disney’s The Lion King is based off of Hamlet.

 Both the movie and TV show 10 Things I Hate About You” is adapted from The Taming of the Shrew. She’s the Man is based off of 12th Night. And believe it or not, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith has striking similarities to Shakespeare’s Othello. Who's ready to read Shakespeare ? Let me know in the comment box.
William Shakespeare's works.

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